Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The way out of depression and illness


Lets get happy and the way to do it is:-
Staying fit and healthy
Yes a healthy body and mind free from drugs and worry will allow you to achieve this.  
Experiencing positive emotions
Just some times other people hamper your ability to have great emotions.
Choose things that lift emotions and well being. Go to the theater write a poem.
Developing your talents and expertise, become a professional if you like. Make your life a business and succeed at it. Be the best you that you can. Make and do things. 
Going social and discovering the world. I have a trouble with this one, discovering the world is easy for me but the social part is my problem. I dance because I can not, but I am working on it. You can do the same.
Shaping a passionate and meaningful life and you will find the rest will fall into place. I would love to have a lover and I know that I have to work at being me before I allow someone else into my life again. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The government hospitals and psychiarists distroyed my well being.

Psychiatrists  knowingly destroy peoples lives with the over medication of there patients.
 This is pure fact that increasing Serotonin you also deplete Dopamine, thus reducing the feelings of belonging and the sex drive as well. Love and all its forms will be taken away leaving people as empty shells.
In the future there will be court cases against psychiatrists and hospitals who knowingly destroy lives marriages and families. If you are in this category you have a moral right to protect your self and your family.
I am sick of people who know of my experiences with the mental health system asking "what can I do".
My answer is "sue the phucking arse off the psychiatrist and hospitals". The more people who do this the less will be the tendency of over dosing of patients.
I have spoken and given statistics of children on these drugs which is against the law so the chances of a good outcome will be positive in these people. These people will need all the monetary help they can get for there future.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

They pedal there wares in Australia

Campaign “Remove dangerous pills from the market!”"
CBC News, June 11, 2013

Yaz, Yasmin birth control pills suspected in 23 deaths

Most died from blood clots, Health Canada documents obtained by CBC News show

Risk of blood clots rises

  "There are about 30 or 40 deaths that we think are known, but that is usually just the tip of the iceberg because all sorts of people will have died.... Their families don't know anything about the litigation, they don't know anything about the problem," he said.
Merchant said hundreds of patients who have approached his firm have had gallbladders removed, or have had strokes or blood clots and now must take blood thinners for the rest of their lives.
None of the allegations has been proven in court.
Bayer stands by Yasmin, Yaz
In a written statement to CBC News, Bayer said it is fighting the certification of the first Canadian class-action suit, the one in Ontario, which alleges women died or were injured by Yaz and Yasmin:
"We are very disappointed in Justice Crane's decision to certify a class in Ontario in an ongoing lawsuit regarding Yaz and Yasmin. No decision has been made on the merits of the case. We have filed a request with the Court for leave to appeal the decision and are evaluating our legal options... At Bayer patient safety comes first and we fully stand behind, Yaz and Yasmin."
Bayer is scheduled to appear in court in Ontario on Sept. 4.
12.6.2013, YLE

Deaths linked to birth control pills in Finland

The world's most commonly prescribed contraceptive pills Yasmin and Yaz have been linked to four deaths and six cerebral embolisms -- or blood clots -- and 25 pulmonary embolisms in Finland.

Record of deaths, blood clots in Finland
Four deaths on record have been linked with Yasmin and Yaz pills in Finland. Two of the deaths occurred in 2006, one in 2008 and one in 2010.

Bayer doctor responds
Leena Väisälä, specialist doctor with the pharmaceutical company Bayer that manufactures the pills, says that the risks associated with Yaz and Yasmin have been well known for a while.

According to the doctor, no changes are planned as regards the pills’ retailing.
“We have a careful monitoring system in place for harmful side effects. They count the dead! They have never had a full term pregnancy in a dead person yet,and not one of these people have complained.Diane?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Warning to medical professions and business owners

The chemicals that you are using and prescribing are dangerous and some are not even labeled.
Dont believe me just look at the dust that is cleaned up in your offices and hospitals. I dare you to do a audit on the dust cleaned up in your work place hospital or office.
I dare say that one chemical you will definitely find is DDT.
Some plastics gas off carcinogenic materials. What is in that cleaning product on the shelf in front of you and better still what is the bottle really made of.
Is there cause for alarm! you do the test on the dust cleaned up in you place and even homes and you tell me.
I dare you to report back in comments..

Monday, September 23, 2013

False memory created by years of abuse by do gooders and mental health.

Yes do gooders and psychiatrists impart there thoughts on mentally challenged people. Mentally challenged needs to be defined for this story. Someone who was raped or bashed are mentally challenged and need to be helped in some way. Imparting false memory by suggestion is dangerous.

I know someone who believes god hates him where does such a mind memory come from?
Many years of bible doctrine and drug abuse might explain it. But the person is debilitated by his own thoughts, to him the thoughts are real and yes can be contagious it you want to believe it.
So here is a short video by an expert in the field of false memory.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Let's look at chemical murder from a different perspective.

Did you know that two drops of petrol and that's not even super petrol can kill a bee hive in minutes.
The size of the dose is irreverent and is causing problems all threw the food chain.
You have unused medications and you flush them down the toilet or even wiping your bench tops with anti fungal or disinfectant washes and rinse the washer under the tap. Where does the chemical end up? The stuff on the washer ends up in the sewer system whats on the counter top ends up all over you or even worse in you.
A the sewer plant the solids are removed and the rest of the water is treated with more chemicals and the final use of bacteria cleans the water before it is released into the environment. Now let me tell you some gets threw the system from a small amount to a lot. There was water warnings in Wollongong about dumping waste untreated water into the oceans yes with chemicals.
Fish eat the chemicals and you eat the fish now you are contaminated.
Did you know that teflon is in large proportions in peoples blood streams in the USA.
I use cast iron pots to cook in and any of  the material coming off is Iron and is good for me. The next best is stainless steel cook ware.
Did you know that bees are on the decline and are badley need for plant polination and that 30% of bee hives die off in America and Australian bees are supplied to meet the loss.
Chemicals in containers are not our friends.
Did you know bees have a better health insurance scheme than humans do.
Mono cultures are wiping out bees in large areas of the US. 
Is there need for alarm and the answer is phucken oath there is.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Voices in my head

I have never had the problem of voices consuming my waking life but I have imaginary friends and if the quacks find out then I would be consumed by drugs and have someone else's opinion forced on me. Yes the doctors of death would love to read this.
 I once said jokingly said that I wanted to be the CEO of BHP Pty. Ltd. and was labeled with dreams of grandeur.
  It never had the occurred to me that being buried alive in a coal mine under the underground bins had anything to do with my problems. Or being 60 feet down a pipe in muddy water during my diving career and loosing my air supply had anything to do with the voices. Or the time I was nearly drowned tangled in rope 6 inches from the surface. Then there was the time I fell into a molten sulpher pit and was saved by the safety harness I had on. No I was invincible.

I was lucky because I was a loner and the voices were my friends and saw me threw many a life threatening time.

I said before that I would look for answers to supposedly mental illness and here is another link to non drug treatment.
Please enjoy and share. Professor Iggle

Friday, September 6, 2013

I dared to ask again.

 Again I asked a person who has been described as a mentally ill and who is on heavy medication the following questions with out any prompts.
If an engineer was an insect what would he be?
The immediate response was a bee!
What would a car sales man be?
Some deliberation here and the answer was a fly.
What would the prime minister be?
I don't know came back.
So with some quick thinking I asked, what would the president of the United States of America be and the immediate response was a Wasp.
So clearly the work done has a equivalent insect and a psychiatrist is but a Cockroach with a second choice a leach.
Then I asked what would a doctor be?
Very short deliberation, a spider,I like spiders?
What would an ant be?
Immediate response was a factory worker or a China man.
A nurse would be a butterfly.

In conclusion your patient thinks of you the one sticking the needle into them and administering the drugs of death and controlling there lives as a cockroach or a leach.

This report was written by
Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I dared to ask

I asked some one with mental illness this Question.

If your psychiatrist was an insect what would they be?

The answer was a cockroach.
After an hour I asked why a cockroach? The answer was "that's the first thing that came to my mind".
Having thought on the question what insect would you choose now? "A leach but they are not an insect"! 

Now lets look at a cockroach and understand the qualities of such a creachure.
 The name "cockroach" comes from the Spanish word for cockroach, transformed by English folk etymology into "cock" and "roach".
A roach is the butt of a marijuana cigarette.
A roach is a brown, creepy looking insect with wings, whiskers and six legs. 
Mentally ill People consider roaches to be pests and try to kill roaches.  

Cockroaches have small heads and thus small intelligence.
A study tested the hypothesis that cockroaches use just one piece of information how dark it is.
Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal and will run away when exposed to light they also have never been good at writing reports.

Now for Cock

Slang: Vulgar.


a male chicken; rooster. 
To cock preparatory to firing.

In conclusion.
Now I am not recommending the extermination of Psychiatrists but I do see how one would come up with the comparison of a cockroach and a psychiatrist.

Professor Iggle

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lets get to the cure for mental illness

This story of mental illness has been a long one with many ups and downs.

The question is where do we start to find the cure?

 And is there a cure at all?

Well there is and it is not drugs these are the main cause of the rapid increase of the illness.

Then where do we start and how do we start?

I have seen it happen in my own family the slow onset of the illness and how it debilitates the person'

My second son was in sales as a job and having no idea where the next dollar was coming from. The gamble of life was to be his down fall . with all this came sleep deprivation and the crashing of not one but two cars and damaging several on the way.
Little did I know what was happening or even that there was a problem.

The problem was sleep or more importantly the lack of it.

In my search I have had people good people send me articles on different things for me to research and what I have found was surprising and amazing.

I have found the following on u tube and would recommend governments and the general population to take heed. I live in an area where the young are out at all hours with there favorite friends BOOZE and DRUGS. then we wonder why we are sleep deprived and so are the parents friends and neighbors

So here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWULB9Aoopc please enjoy and pass on this information. Cheers Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire.. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The last post

I am getting sick from the backlash of doing the right thing, You are on your own now.
 Cheers Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire Bachelor of the year

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So you are an assylim seeker coming here by boat

So you are an assylim seeker coming here by boat
Yes we have the treatment team here ready for you offshore  to treat you, as coming from a war torn country you must have mental illness. "Thats not in the DSM" Treating you off shore you have less rights so anything goes. Experimentation is the go. What a great place to experiment with humans legally. You are all welcome. Yes I see in the nightly news of stories of being incarcerated with nothing to do for long periods of time and mental illness is the result. This is more proof that mental illness needs to be treated with physical work for the body and soul.


Rape is not a mental illness in the DSM? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Phychiatrists get it wrong again

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Who aided and abetted the murder of Jill Meagher. Who let the evil person out to rape and murder again. It must not happen again. Charges must be laid against the person who signed the release papers as they aided and abetted in the murder and rape of Jill..Charges must be laid.

It was most likely that a failed doctor posing as Psychiatrist who signed the release papers on the risk analysis of the DSM.
  • If it was to happen to me or my family I would have the persons or person charged with aid and abet. Professor Iggle 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

critism of the DSM

DSM-5 Critiques

Psychiatrist Allen Frances has been critical of proposed revisions to the DSM-5. In a 2012 article, Frances warned that if this DSM version is issued unamended by the APA, it will "medicalize normality and result in a glut of unnecessary and harmful drug prescription."[67] In a December 2, 2012 blog post in Psychology Today, Frances lists the ten "most potentially harmful changes" to DSM-5:[68]
  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, for temper tantrums
  • Major Depressive Disorder, includes normal grief
  • Minor Neurocognitive Disorder, for normal forgetting in old age
  • Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, encouraging psychiatric prescriptions of stimulants
  • Binge Eating Disorder, for excessive eating
  • Autism change, reducing the numbers diagnosed
  • First time drug users will be lumped in with addicts
  • Behavioral Addictions, making a "mental disorder of everything we like to do a lot."
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder, includes everyday worries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder, changes opening "the gate even further to the already existing problem of misdiagnosis of PTSD in forensic settings."
This is what I have been saying for some time now. There used to be a law in this country where lawyers could not advertise there services and I think this also went for doctors and chemical companies. Professor Iggle.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Taking a different view (non drugs)

Fear V Danger
Fear is when you are in survival mode of thinking.
Anxiety V Vulnerable
Anxiety is living in the head try doing this when in fear mode, do an inventory of your body parts.
If you can it is not fear it is anxiety.
You need to be warm interested and non judgmental.
What I am saying is that it gets worse before it gets better. Same as what goes up must come down. Survival trumps growing  but anxiety is part of growing.
 there is three sections to this
1/ Be in a safe place
2/ Internal relationship I love me, me, me.
3/ Experiences +time which dosnt happen in this now world.
Sit and think, You are a river and you want the most water to pass you in a given time with out spilling it over the banks. If you spill the water over the banks you are in turmoil. Get the flow right and then ride the waves. Allow your self to be carried by the water and enjoy the ride. Smell the flowers of life.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

More evidence

Xanax is in the news in Australia for over prescribing. l am not surprised about the current situation.
Some of the side effects are;-
  • depressed mood, thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself, unusual risk-taking behavior, decreased inhibitions, no fear of danger;
  • confusion, hyperactivity, agitation, hostility, hallucinations;
  • feeling like you might pass out;
  • urinating less than usual or not at all;
  • chest pain, pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
  • uncontrolled muscle movements, tremor, seizure (convulsions); or
  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).
Less serious side effects of alprazolam may include:
  • drowsiness, dizziness, feeling tired or irritable;
  • blurred vision, headache, memory problems, trouble concentrating;
  • sleep problems (insomnia);
  • swelling in your hands or feet;
  • muscle weakness, lack of balance or coordination, slurred speech;
  • upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • increased sweating, dry mouth, stuffy nose; or
  • appetite or weight changes, loss of interest in sex.
If you have any of the above symptoms you at a stage in the system that you will be forced into taking psychotic medications .Professor Iggle

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

More proof

Every thing we do has consequences and we need to recognize that.  Doping your children with drugs  is a crime, weather prescribed or legally from the chemist (drug store).
There is a drug for everything so one is to believe but you are fooling yourself. Crimes are crimes no
 matter how you look at it. As a parent a local chemist gave me something to stop my child from crying non stop. We were to visit the grand parents and the mother in law spotted the chemical at once. WHISKY BREATH made him sleep. Ten it was back to screaming kid.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Don't be sucked in. THE END

My thoughts are my reality and reality changes with thought. I am happy my life goes on, ease is the comfort of knowing. Knowing is in us all. You may learn this some day.  Heavy hands and drugs will lead to more of the same....love and best wishes.
Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I hope that the powers are happy

My wife has left me. I can not understand why one person a can make so much money out of someone else's suffering and not give a dam. The people who make money and live off the suffering of some one who is suffering misfortune and trying to cope with circumstances thrust upon them. The chemical companies who deal the destruction with the aid of psychiatrists on children, breaking the federal law in Australia. I am just a small person with a big heart and do not like little people being taken advantage of. The criminals who write the DSM with all its definitions of death physical and mental being forced on people. Doctors who take these drugs and others having the power to destroy peoples lives even though they do not have a mental illness. I have said enough and I prey for not pray on these people.
I do not hate these people who have put me threw hell and back over the last years as this would allow them to win. I hate no one and do not bear ill will towards these pathetic people. In fact I feel sorry for them as they have to deal with the consequences of there actions. The bone has been pointed and the suffering will be there response to this not mine.
For those who do not know because of there youth there is an old saying "healthy body healthy mind" which is so true for the days and years ahead.
I say Thank You for reading and putting up with my pain and suffering bought on by some influential ignorant people with power.
The challenge that I placed in this blog still remains "there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain" I am now a fully fledged professor of quackery as not one organization has ever challenged me on this.
This is definitely the last post but is not the end of the story as things will come back to bite me along life's journey. The last ten years living with my wife was in the main good and the deep wounds have had ink pored into them and will remain there to my last day tattooed into the very fabric of my mind,.

I will sleep well tonight and every other night of my life because of straight talk, truth talk if you will.
Again thank you for reading and your support over  the life of this blog
Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire and eligible bachelor of the year.
Over and out.....................................................................................................................................................

Monday, March 25, 2013

benifits of mental health-illness

The focus must be on teaching the right thoughts in the first place. There is a old saying which is so true today "healthy bodies healthy minds" 
I went out the other night and most of the young women are overweight, The mothers with them looked far more attractive than their daughters.
When reading a food label on a can of spray on olive oil which contains propane and butane  labeled as hydrocarbons in some instances one must think. When the wealthy in our society can dupe uneducated people then there must be something done.
Mental illness is a way of thought and believing that way is true and correct for that person.
One must retrain the thought patterns to cure mental illness for good.
How to do this is easy and hard.
Hard work and lots of exercise must be forced on these people combined with mind training and the results will be seen. Change the self talk and you will change the person simple as that and as hard as that.
Evidence based training is also a must, not the type given to psychiatrists as this is a hypothesis teaching.  

Mental illness needs perental training

There is a need to train parents before they become parents. I many years ago was on the slippery slide to disaster and turned around by doing a mind power course.
Parents can only teach there children what they know, if they know violence and thuggery then it will become worse as the generations go on.
There is a need for mind power courses in schools at an early age of say 5 when the mind is at its most influential time.
 I was at a camp site on the week end where there was a 11 year old boy, he was prone to playing with himself in public due to the fact that he was given pornographic videos to watch in his earlier years.
This child was given stimulating wrong information and the result is not surprising, In the years to come we will hear more from this child as he goes threw life.
If a child is given good wholesome information then this will give the same results in a different area.
I have seen the results of this in my own family with the youngest (after mind power) getting the full results of positive information.
Professor Iggle quack extraordinaire

Benifits of mental health

Listen to the words "We are becoming aware of the benefits mental health". Please what are the benefits of mental health? O yes more doctors of death and more legal drug pushers, How silly of me to forget such things
Concentrate on the answer to the last question.
Sent to media watch.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reply to passing the buck

The complaint is made and the hospital was Shellharbour and the Nowra mental health.The police informed was Nowra and amazingly my wife is living with someone else thanks to the advise she has received from visitors or the staff at the hospital. I will not talk to you as I might become elevated and then require treatment like they did to me in Tumut by assigning me a case manager (I do not have a mental illness) when they took my wife.. I am over it now and I will never trust the doctors of death again. These people administered drugs to my son at Shellharbour for breaking the finger off a pornographic statue in a Helensburg temple . I told them not in any way were they to touch my son physically as he was taught by a martial arts group to return the force doubly. with out emotion on his face. He was beaten up by the Dapto High School football team.and I told him to learn to fight which he did. Several of the thugs sorry male nurses at the Shellharbour hospital did not heed the warning and one was admitted to hospital as a result. As I have stated before not one hospital has ever cured mental illness.
In fact I challenge you to prove there is a chemical imbalance in the brain of any of your patients sorry victims in the care of any mental institution in the world.
I also challenge you to stop me reporting to my blog.
I also challenge you to read my blog  http://chemicalmurder.blogspot.com.au/ and leave a comment
Professor Iggle Quack extraordinaire

Passing the buck

Catherine Kellick <CKellick@hccc.nsw.gov.au>
4:19 PM (4 hours ago)

to me
Dear Stewart

I am writing in reply to your email to the Commission of 9 March 2013.

From your email I can tell that you have serious concerns about the care and treatment provided to your wife Pam  by various hospitals and mental health services.

If you would like to make a formal complaint about this matter, we need some further information about which hospital or services are of concern to you and when the events you talked about in your email occurred, so that we can follow it up.

I have attached a complaint form to this email. You can print it out and complete it and mail it to the Commission at the address on the form.

Or if you prefer, you can call me on (02) 9219 7558 to discuss the complaint process. I am out of the office until next Wednesday 26 March but would be happy to talk with you then or you can call our Inquiry Service toll free on 1800 043 159 and someone will be able to help you.


Cathy Kellick

Cathy Kellick  Resolution Officer
NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
Level 13
| 323 Castlereagh Street | Sydney  NSW  2000 | www.hccc.nsw.gov.au
(: 02 9219 7558 | 6: 02 9281 4585 | *: ckellick@hccc.nsw.gov.au

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Friday, March 8, 2013

This is the last post

Thank you for reading I as you have just read am single and will concentrate on my own well being with travel and stories from the bush. Cheers Iggle ........................................
DSM.If mental illness is contagious why do the doctors not have it?
Over and out.

new life

New life

I got a disturbing phone call tonight from Pam Txxxxx my wife she has been out of hospital for some time . She stated she is not coming back to live with me ever. Then she tries to tell me she still loves me I said that I am not interested any more. She has been in regular contact with Jim the drug dealer, Warren also a drug dealer who she went to live with last time she came out of hospital. Pamela told me later she had gone there. At the time I rang the hospital and they didn't know where she was. I demanded to know because they had lost her. I also told the hospital that I was taking special note for the coroner.
Some time after the call from Pamela tonight I rang Mirrabrook and spoke to Jamie from Mirrabrook Told to ring  42952546 spoke to Norbit at Eloura east then was told to rig 42952354 and spoke to Laura at mental health rehab. I got a bit irate as they have lost her again. I said to get someone out of bed to find her. I then said I was ringing the police and Laura said that was a good idea then I rang and spoke to Nowra police who are going to look into the matter.
Whats wrong with you people what is a Courtesy phone call to let the husband know his wife is leaving hospital..
She was on one occasion given the wrong drugs.
Your organization abducted Pamela on a previous occasion and was listed as a missing person then to be found at your hospital a week later.
You are incompetent and irresponsible and dangerous to patients and there families alike.
Your doctors treat people with a lie "Chemical imbalance in the brain" There is no such thing. You and every hospital in the world have never cured a patient of mental illness.
Your organization has now the full responsibility for Pamela's mental and physical safety as I now release all rights for this to you.
Yours angrily and pissed off,
Stewart Sxxxx

Now if any of you Chicky babes out there want a great lover drop me a comment best comment will be published with out names  Professor Iggle quack extraordinaire and eligible bachelor of the year..