Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So you are an assylim seeker coming here by boat

So you are an assylim seeker coming here by boat
Yes we have the treatment team here ready for you offshore  to treat you, as coming from a war torn country you must have mental illness. "Thats not in the DSM" Treating you off shore you have less rights so anything goes. Experimentation is the go. What a great place to experiment with humans legally. You are all welcome. Yes I see in the nightly news of stories of being incarcerated with nothing to do for long periods of time and mental illness is the result. This is more proof that mental illness needs to be treated with physical work for the body and soul.


Rape is not a mental illness in the DSM? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Phychiatrists get it wrong again

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Who aided and abetted the murder of Jill Meagher. Who let the evil person out to rape and murder again. It must not happen again. Charges must be laid against the person who signed the release papers as they aided and abetted in the murder and rape of Jill..Charges must be laid.

It was most likely that a failed doctor posing as Psychiatrist who signed the release papers on the risk analysis of the DSM.
  • If it was to happen to me or my family I would have the persons or person charged with aid and abet. Professor Iggle 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

critism of the DSM

DSM-5 Critiques

Psychiatrist Allen Frances has been critical of proposed revisions to the DSM-5. In a 2012 article, Frances warned that if this DSM version is issued unamended by the APA, it will "medicalize normality and result in a glut of unnecessary and harmful drug prescription."[67] In a December 2, 2012 blog post in Psychology Today, Frances lists the ten "most potentially harmful changes" to DSM-5:[68]
  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, for temper tantrums
  • Major Depressive Disorder, includes normal grief
  • Minor Neurocognitive Disorder, for normal forgetting in old age
  • Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, encouraging psychiatric prescriptions of stimulants
  • Binge Eating Disorder, for excessive eating
  • Autism change, reducing the numbers diagnosed
  • First time drug users will be lumped in with addicts
  • Behavioral Addictions, making a "mental disorder of everything we like to do a lot."
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder, includes everyday worries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder, changes opening "the gate even further to the already existing problem of misdiagnosis of PTSD in forensic settings."
This is what I have been saying for some time now. There used to be a law in this country where lawyers could not advertise there services and I think this also went for doctors and chemical companies. Professor Iggle.