Friday, March 13, 2015

Just found this on facebook after writing and posting the previous article

According to one of the worlds LEADING Biochemists Dr. Warburg “all normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen… If you deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours it may become cancerous.”

Dr. Warburg has stated that oxygen deficiency creates an acidic state in the human body, and it is this acidic state that allows cancer to form.

Ganodermareview reports:

Biochemist Otto Heinrich Warburg, one of the twentieth century’s leading cell biologists, discovered that the root cause of cancer is too much acidity in the body, meaning that the pH, potential hydrogen, in the body is below the normal level of 7.365, which constitutes an “acidic” state.

Warburg INVESTIGATED the metabolism of tumours and the respiration of cells and discovered that cancer cells maintain and thrive in a lower pH, as low as 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. He firmly believed that there was a DIRECT relationship between pH and oxygen. Higher pH, which is Alkaline, means higher concentration of oxygen molecules, while lower pH, which is acidic, means lower concentrations of oxygen…the same oxygen that is needed to maintain healthy cells.

In 1931 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this important discovery. Dr Warburg was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (now Max Planck Institute) for cell physiology at Berlin. He investigated the metabolism of tumours and the respiration of cells, particularly cancer cells. Below are some direct quotes by Dr Warburg during medical lectures where he was the keynote speaker:

“Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline.”

In his WORK The Metabolism of Tumours Warburg demonstrated that all forms of cancer are characterized by two basic conditions: acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Lack of oxygen and acidosis are two sides of the same coin: where you have one, you have the other.” “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”

Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. Dr. Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

- See more at:

Sugar the invisible drug

Sugar is added to everything in a box or a jar fast food even bread. Because of the high intake of sugars in our modern diet the the Ph level of the body turns acid and overweight.
Now for the layman if you plant a rose in acid soil it will thrive change the soil to alkaline the rose will suffer and my be die.
Just say that cancers like acid bodies which are feed by unnatural amounts of sugar that turns the body acid then taking thee half tea spoons of Bi Carb Soda in water three times a week to make the body alkaline it stands to reason the cancer might die. I personally know Jock rash will die.
Bi carb soda taken in the amounts suggested will cause less tension in the body than chemotherapy over the same period of time and just maybe kill cancer or other acid related diseases.
The other side effect from personal experience is I seem to have more energy.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

New mental illness

Having to sit in a mental health tribunal today it was decided that Poor judgement was considered by Mr Oyelan a physicist at ST George hospital in Sydney as being a mental illness. The patient was locked up for three weeks and has drugs (lithium)forced into the patients body against his will. I am to understand that drugs being administered by force is illegal.
Battery: the act of battering or beating : an offensive touching or use of force on a person without the person's consent.
What is lithium?

Lithium affects the flow of sodium through nerve and MUSCLE cells in the body. Sodium affects excitation or mania.

Lithium is used to treat the manic episodes of manic depression. Manic SYMPTOMS INCLUDE hyperactivity, rushed speech, poor judgement, reduced need for sleep, aggression, and anger. It also helps to prevent or lessen the intensity of manic episodes.

Lithium may also be used for other purposes not listed.